In the First in a series on Near Death Experiences, Guest Blogger Debbie McLean explores the relationship between Cruelty to Animals, Bureaucratic Follow Up, Vet Bills, and the Persistent Desire to Roam Free
While we are on the subject of animal welfare, I thought I would give an update on Tiger (AKA “Tigie- Baby”), our cat that was shot multiple times by a pellet gun earlier this summer by some low-life scumbag in the neighborhood. Two of the bullets broke his leg. Two other bullets hit his back and chest. We discovered him injured one night while Marshall was cramming to finish his 12-page historical biography on Uncle Al, due the next morning and in need for substantial editing. It was not a good time for a pet emergency.
Sunderland police chief, Jeff, and his team took a detailed report and investigated (was up on the Sunderland Police Facebook page). Fliers were delivered to neighbors. The Sunderland Animal Warden didn’t have much to say, except that he hoped to identify some possible suspects. The crime also was reported to the NBC 22 News tip line, but they didn’t call back.
There are no suspects in custody at this time. In July, a neighbor did see another dead cat several hundred yards from our house but the animal warden “bagged it” and took it away before a full investigation could be done. He said it appeared another animal, maybe a coyote, "dragged the cat to its final resting spot," but we’ll never know.
Nine weeks of being crated and $940 in vet bills later, Tiger is doing great with just a slight limp. He is bullying the other cats, a sure signs he’s back on top. “I’m hoping there will be no more x-rays or vet visits to tell us what we already know,” said Stephen Toebes, Tiger’s father. “Tiger is fine, but his days as a showcat are over,” Stephen said.
Tiger is grateful for all the encouragement and says it made his recovery easier to know there were so many people who cared out there. He is ready to put the ordeal behind him but not yet sure how he will feel roaming the neighborhood. It will be several more weeks before he's allowed outside and assures us that he'll let readers know when the time comes, and he is ready for that next big step.
If you would like to contribute a fish (or reptile) obituary to this blog, please post a comment below with the basics.
Robin McLean also blogs at Mike's Maze.