The First in a series of Emergency Meetings of the Fish Obits Staff (Cousin Rob, as well as Margaret and Robin) concerning disappointing Google Ratings, The Big Picture, Digital Slavery, Sex and Home-Makeovers, the Omnipresence of Death and Second-Fiddle to the Many.
Rob: ....yeah, I know we have a great blog, but in this world QUALITY is so often overlooked. People want sex and home-makeovers.
Margaret: Then maybe we do some home-makeovers. Swim with the current, with an eye, always, on the Big Picture.
Rob: Are you suggesting we lower our standards?
Margaret: One gal's trash is another gal's treasure.
Rob: What does that have to do with anything?
Robin: I'm done with construction projects. I hate houses.
Rob: We need to blow their minds with Creativity.
Margaret: Cool!
Robin: Maybe we send out coupons or something.
Rob: Look at these Fish Obit listings. There's simply too much competition.
Margaret: He's in a mood. He wants to be #1 in the Rankings.
Robin: Who wouldn't want to be #1 on Google?
Rob: We don't even show up. We're slaves to Google Algorithms. Choked by Google Analytics. Shackled by our own "Key Words."
Robin: Does that mean we don't exist?
Margaret: Sort of.
Rob: But we do exist. Look at us. We have birds. We have Links. We have an Events Page.
Robin: We don't have to have a Ranking.
Margaret: That's what I do with lots of shit.
Rob: Good point. But maybe if I just scroll down....
The Many
FishEddieRobertAnnaFishJefferyof MullicaHill
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Robin McLean also blogs at Mike's Maze.