Thanks to the editors at Panorama: The Journal of Travel Place and Nature for republishing one of my favorite stories, "Cold Snap" in their hot-off-the-presses issue on Ecology. It's both an amusing story (I think) and not very funny (you'll see). Put a sweater on before read it.
Thanks especially to Nicolas Sampson for recruiting my work for this wonderful new journal, and also, in general, for his tireless and ever-various efforts on so many important projects like Panorama. The team there has collected an incredible range of works in Issue #11: tree experts and screenwriters. Critters and marshes. Poetry, fiction, essays, images.
I'm eager to dig in, and eventually to arrive at the Eaten Section, and "Ancient America's Corn Corridor" by my pal, Melissa Guerra.
I really love their Mission Statement at Panorama too.
Happy Spring from Missoula, Montana!