Thanks to Peter, Jenna, and Melissa at BOA Editions and to Sandy Knight at Hoopskirt Studio for the cover design and to artist Roberto Lebrón for the boa image.
This cover gets the official Feline Seal of Approval.
Note please: We tend to like many things resembling tails, or, come to think of it, string of any kind. This predilection in no way diminishes our Approval.
Kisu and Whisper
Oct 10, 2014 12:04 PM EDT
P.S. Our human person really liked the cover, too. She went on about the shapes and lines and vivid colors. Since we're color blind, we can't comment except to say her enthusiasm was almost embarrassing. Or maybe she was mesmerized. We've heard snakes have that effect on some species.
Kisu and Whisper
Oct 24, 2014 2:51 AM EDT
If this is a clever test to find out who of your "friends" actually intends to buy your book, rather than receiving one for free, I win. (the pre-order button isn't working) If it's a test to find out who is the snarkiest of your friends, then once again, hands-down, I win. I blame the aggression on the energy drink I just guzzled.
Oct 24, 2014 3:15 AM EDT
Love, love, love the cover, by the way! Please allow me to judge it by it.