I don't know how I will ever have a book bash as great as the one I just had in my old stomping grounds in Sutton and Palmer, Alaska -- kind of overwhelmingly wonderful.
Thanks all of you for coming out at the new SUTTON LIBRARY, at Turkey Red last night for an awesome dinner, and at FIRESIDE BOOKS today for book signing that pretty much wiped out Fireside's originally HUGE pile of books. Thank for sharing my party for Reptile House.
THANK YOU Nancy Bertels at the Sutton Library for inviting me.
THANK YOU Mike Dunham of the Alaska Dispatch News for the fantastic article.
THANK YOU especially and most to David Cheezem at Fireside for having faith we could pull this off. And we did.
Next stop. Sandpoint Idaho Library with LOST HORSE PRESSon July 29th at 7 pm.
Thanks all of you for coming out at the new SUTTON LIBRARY, at Turkey Red last night for an awesome dinner, and at FIRESIDE BOOKS today for book signing that pretty much wiped out Fireside's originally HUGE pile of books. Thank for sharing my party for Reptile House.
THANK YOU Nancy Bertels at the Sutton Library for inviting me.
THANK YOU Mike Dunham of the Alaska Dispatch News for the fantastic article.
THANK YOU especially and most to David Cheezem at Fireside for having faith we could pull this off. And we did.
Next stop. Sandpoint Idaho Library with LOST HORSE PRESSon July 29th at 7 pm.